Employee Wellness and Mental Health




A healthy workplace starts with healthy employees.

How to achieve this?

Achieving healthy workplaces requires changes in an organization’s culture, management systems and work structures. A number of employees have been working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and have now adjusted to the circumstances, although some employees may argue differently. It is a huge transition to be working remotely as there are a number of distractions at home, however one needs to find ways to work around those issues and ensure that they meet deadlines and commit to their work.

As sleeping patterns have now changed drastically due to the adjusted working hours, some employees are working for longer hours than usual and argue that they are ready to go back to the office, it can be difficult to remain focused when one was up all night due to stress and anxiety, and still have to ensure that they wake up early to log in on time.

What are the benefits?

A healthy workplace in any organization, increases the combination of worker objectives for well-being and company goals for effectiveness and efficiency. Health and safety programs strive to increase the physical and mental health of employees through the hindrance, valuation and conduct of possible health threats and difficulties.

Organizations should put programs in place for alcohol and drug addiction, wellness screenings, stress management training, counselling and safety training in order to increase the health and safely initiatives. Organizations with high-levels of absenteeism are due to employees’ with high levels of stress.

Employee stress may be openly directed through workplace stress management programs, which increases employee productivity and reduces absenteeism. Organizations that are willing to commit to employees’ wellbeing will receive the same commitment in return.

Work-life balance is also crucial in enhancing employees’ mental health and wellbeing, conflict between work and family roles diminish employees’ perceptions of the quality of both work and family life.

This may have been proven due to the work arrangements of working from home, where employees have to ensure that their work space is tidy and not distractive, they also need to ensure that they divide their time accordingly as they have to complete work tasks and their children’s school tasks as well.

Strategies to use

Healthy workplace strategies and initiatives must be considered within the context in which the business operates. The organization’s set of values will be the drive to the decisions taken by each organization. Organizations that are more likely to have effective initiatives and strategies are those which practice long-term commitment to strategic decisions, decisions made particularly during COVID-19 have to be for the long-term, risk taking is another practice, continuous communication and continuous improvement processes.

Positive transformation begins with realizing the requirement to transform as well as a vision of the end result of the transformation process. Managing the health and wellbeing of employees comes with managing the organization.

Employees make up an organization, without employees there is no organization.

Healthy workplaces usually produce employees who are assets to the organization and they are more likely to achieve success.

#HappyEmployees #HealthyWorkEnvironment #COVID19

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Ziyana Group

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